Introduction to AI

Click to open multiple AIs:

  • (GPT 3.5 plus search. Pro is 4.0.)
  • (During peak times, may only be GPT 3.5. Pro is always 4 or Turbo)
  • Google Bard is now Gemini but for an adult you need Gemini Advanced (Free for 2 months)
  • (Focused on dialogue and role-rplaying)
  • (Open source, and no login required)
  • (Lots of tokens for writing context and designed with a constitution, to do no harm. Claude 3 comes in three forms: Haiku (small and fast), Sonnet (good and what is now generally available at, Opus (perhaps the best free model for now:You need to request API access with an email to try it. Claude (in workbench mode) also now allows you to control the “temperature” from most random to most predictable.
  • but for an adult you need ChatGPT Plus (click on Upgrade to Plus)
  • (Access to multiple AI through one interface)
  • – (Brand writing)
  • GrammarlyGO – (Writing)
  • (Research focused with semantic scholar and searches for method and sample size)
  • (Research focused with semantic scholar and “claim extraction”)

One way to become more familiar with how AI works is to add an AI extension to your browser. If you use Chrome, try the Bing extension: now every time you do a Google search, you will also get an AI response.

AI is Changing Work and Thinking: TRY SOME PROMPTS (copy and paste)

  • What might be unclear/missing/controversial in this email to my team/boss at company X? Make this email sound kinder and more inclusive.
  • I am hoping to convince my boss/company to support this idea. Read these emails/strategic goals and advise me how to align this proposal/request with my company or boss’s values/language? Can you find a quote from my boss’s favorite author that aligns with this project?
  • Suggest ten ways to make this assignment/project more motivating, engaging/relevant to engineers/basketball fans/my project manager/my team.
  • Create a quick game/icebreaker/activity for my team to introduce topic X.
  • Put this into simpler terms for new customers. Or create a relevant analogy that will explain how this works to a younger/older audience.
  • Watch/read this ad/message/email and tell me what audience X is most likely to think it means.
  • Act as an experienced writing editor that focused on writing that is easy to read and understand. Transform this email into one that will be easier to read but still have a professional tone for a team/manager/client. Use these examples of my other writing to mimic my voice and tone. Shorten it by at least half. Start with a brief explanation of why the issue in the email matters. Provide clear navigation with bullets or numbers as necessary. Put the most important information at the top. Make it easy to respond by providing a clear call to action. Limit the response needed to one or maybe two things. Make sure there are no grammatical or spelling errors.
  • You are an innovative thinker with a very broad range of new ideas and experience. Provide 10 ways I might solve this problem. [Describe the problem in as much detail as possible]
  • Try more prompts here: or here:

Analyzing Patterns

  • Analyze customer/employee feedback and find key concerns.
  • Review my email with employee X and identify common themes. Categorize the issues into groups.
  • Read this performance review and suggest 3 concrete steps I could suggest for improvement and how we would measure them.
  • Using this data, create an analysis/recommendation/strategy…
  • Review our current list of products and this data about our customers. Come up with 20 ways/products/services/ideas for how we could both leverage our existing expertise/products/supply chain and customer trust to grow our business. Each item should be different with a description of only 40-60 words.

Data Visualization

  • Create an image that ranks sales by store location, experience of staff and time of day.
  • Write code to test, graph or visualize this model.
  • Use this feedback to generate a chart that shows the progress or failure of this strategy.

Finding Materials & Examples

  • Find me # relevant videos appropriate for audience A on subject B that are #-# minutes in length and give me a summary for each that includes its content, reliability and source.
  • Assemble real documents/ innovative examples/data concept X from the news/TikTok/YouTube/company website to make point X.
  • Create a scenario…
  • Find me 5 examples from company history where we altered course/reevaluated our strategy/expanded our market/grew profits…

What experiments, test ideas, make suggestions, forecast futures

  • How might we fully automate this process?
  • Generate scenarios from this data for how we might reach this sales target.
  • Using only CDC/government data, predict how might more X reduce the usage of Y?
  • Reimagine my pitch/this product for an Asian American audience and summarize what might need to be changed.


Communication & Predicting Responses

  • Create a kind and caring but firm no response to this email.
  • You are an experienced marketing specialist. Generate a professional but enthusiastic description of this product/service/project or service that is targeted to an X audience. Use this description as a starting point. Develop innovative new ideas to reach new customers in market Y.
  • Pretend you are X with an open position. Read the uploaded position description, my cover letter and resume. How might X react to my materials? List missing elements and suggest ways for me to improve my application. 
  • What might an average reader/customer/IRS auditor/Latino audience find confusing/objectionable/interesting?
  • Analyze these successful advertisements/initiatives and identify common elements, ideas, methods, structures, or language that might have contributed to their success. Recommend how I might adapt my current proposal to be more successful.
  • Give me feedback from a range of different types of customer from different political/academic/social backgrounds. How might they misunderstand my intentions?

Tutor and Coach

  • How would you explain this to a beginner/non-expert?
  • Explain this to me using a soccer/legal/tech analogy
  • Explain this passage/concept by creating scenarios and personalized examples
  • Why did my boss object to this solution? I would like you to act as my personal tutor and teach me about subject X. Start by asking me a question that helps you gauge my level of understanding
  • Create feedback that will challenge me. Include feedback with inaccurate information and feedback that looks like a compliment but really is not.
  • Act like a friendly but experienced project manager. Read my plan and lead me through a dialogue that will challenge my perspectives. Ask me one question at a time to help me anticipate problems and refine my plan.

Role-Playing and Dialogues

  • Respond as if you were my boss during my performance review…
  • Pretend you are VP X at company Y. Read this position description, my cover letter, resume and these emails/company strategy from VP X. How might X react to my materials? List missing elements and suggest ways for me to improve my application. 
  • Now interview me for the job as if you were X.
  • Respond as my boss A as I ask for a raise. Here are her website and emails.
  • Act as a devil’s advocate/booster and present counter arguments/connections to company goals to the ideas in our meeting.
  • You are a hiring manager. Interview me for a job at X.
  • You are a busy venture capitalist (act like Mark Cuban on Shark Tank), and I am an entrepreneur looking for funding from you. Ask me to make my pitch and then ask me questions about my idea.
  • Respond as if you were my employee X and we have had this email exchange. Help me practice talking to you about Y.

A.I. as Mentor

  • Respond like an experienced and supportive [gender, race, discipline, background] executive and mentor. Read my resume, LinkedIn, performance reviews, 360 and X. Look at [local, region, company, national, international] job openings, leadership opportunities, and my goals, and consider these personal circumstances Y.  Lead me through a dialogue that will help me decide what to do in this situation Z. Ask me one question at a time and respond to help me learn what I should do.

A.I. as Team Leader or Project Manager

  • Act as our team coach and prompt us with questions to discuss how could learn about our collective strengths and work together as an effective team.
  • Provide guidance that will help us ensure that all team members contribute equally to this project.
  • Different members of our team want to proceed in different directions on this project. Read the individual proposals and provide a summary of where they overlap and where they do not. Read the assignment instructions, and provide a neutral compromise for how we can move forward. 

Get Feedback from Different Readers and Perspectives

  • You are a kind but sensitive average reader/customer from culture/group/background Y. You often get confused. Read X and help me simplify things to make everything in this writing clear.
  • You are a scrupulous and experienced manager with no tolerance for lack of evidence. Focus on making this writing more persuasive and powerful.
  • You are a disagreeable skeptic/customer/reader from group Z. List all of the counterarguments and flaws in my position and respond as if you were a critic on social media.
  • You are an innovative writer. Offer critical feedback to help me improve this writing. Look for new connections, arguments and observations I may have missed. Your tone is warm and you are also wildly speculative, creative and fun.
  • You are a typical reader of X type of reports/writing. Offer me helpful and direct suggestions to make this work more agreeable to you.
  • You are a deeply conservative/liberal X from Y. Create a detailed and clear list of all of this things you find objectionable in this project/writing/work.
  • You are a technical specialist with expertise in X. Offer suggestions to improve the accuracy and clarity of terminology and concepts in this work. You are warm but a stickler for details.
  • You are [demographic profile X] and easily bored. Help me make this pitch more engaging.

Creative Quantity, Innovation and Problem Solving

  • Using examples from X, create 500 new products and write descriptions
  • How could I broaden the appeal/market for this service/product?
  • How could I reimagine this product/service for a new audience/circumstance/climate?
  • List 20 potential problems with our thinking/assumptions about this idea/product/service.
  • Give me 10 different ideas for a new/improved product/business/service/process that combines these ideas/concepts/problems and costs less than $/will be attractive to this market/is not currently available etc.
  • Create 50 new ideas for what we might do about this problem or in this situation?
  • This next more complicated prompt is adapted from Meincke, Lennart and Mollick, Ethan R. and Terwiesch, Christian, Prompting Diverse Ideas: Increasing AI Idea Variance (January 27, 2024). or Generate new product ideas with the following requirements: The product must be a physical good/service/software that could be sold at a retail price of less than X USD 50. The ideas are just ideas. The product need not yet exist, nor may it necessarily be clearly feasible. Follow these steps. Do each step, even if you think you do not need to. First generate a list of 100 ideas (short title only) Second, go through the list and determine whether the ideas are different and bold, modify the ideas as needed to make them bolder and more different. No two ideas should be the same. This is important! Next, give the ideas a name and combine it with a product description. The name and idea are separated by a colon and followed by a description. The idea should be expressed as a paragraph of 40-80 words. Do this step by step!


  • Write two different opening paragraphs for this proposal.
  • ADD: Find a good story/example or something more unexpected to hook the reader.
  • ADD: Write in a [type] style as if were [person/position]. OR Write specifically for this audience: the C-suite at company X/the HR team at Y/my boss Z.
  • ADD: Let me know if you need anything else from me before you begin
  • OR Slow down and think more carefully about the opening hook

Making Your Prompts Better

  • Task – Explicit Verbs: Elaborate, Reimagine, Explore, Invent, Create
  • Format  – Email, Jargon-Free Summary, Syllabus, Code •Length or number (500-words, 50 new ideas)
  • Voice  – Using X language •In the style of… Respond as if you were…
  • Context  – Use/read/follow/imitate these models/examples   I’m trying to be serious and funny at the same time  
  • AI is changing Work and Thinking (Every job has a task that is going to change.)
  • AI is changing Average
  • AI is changing Creativity
  • AI is changing Strategy

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